Release Infos

Every year a new version of the CCD guide is released, which comes with many new amazing features. This page summarizes all release infos.


  • 509 new images
  • 5 new astrophotographers: Team Hellas-Sky, Christian Koll, Sabine Leidinger, Gerhard Rehak and Rudolf Riedl
  • CCD-Guide software 4.3: You can find a list of the new software features below.
  • CCD-Guide Global:
    • Data migration from previous version: If CCD-Guide 2024 is available on the computer, a migration window appears when CCD-Guide 2025 is started for the first time, in which data from the previous version can be transferred.
    • Global Settings: In the CCD_Guide window, you have access to all global settings for CCD-Guide via a small gear icon in the top right-hand corner.
    • New Image Downloader: The improved, significantly faster image downloader has moved from the Browser to the CCD_Guide main application and can be accessed here via the Global Settings button.
  • Browser:
    • Export Image Data: The active data set or the entire table can be exported in the ImageBrowser.
    • Object Link: An object link function can be activated for each preview image for displaying object names in the preview image.
    • Alternative table view: With Ctrl+Space, the view of the main table can be changed to a clear display of all fields of the active data record.
    • Constellation quick filter: In the Objectname filter there is a new quick filter for all objects of a constellation.
    • Observer quick filter: In the Objectname filter there is a new quick filter (“#”) for all images of a specific observer.
    • Expert update: When changing the user.mdb in the Expert, there is now deliberately no automatic update in the Browser, so that filter states and the active data set are always retained in the Browser. The user can set the time of the update in the Browser themselves.
    • ShortCut key combinations: An overview of all keyboard shortcuts available in the Browser is displayed on the right above the Extended Information area.
  • Expert:
    • _id in Edit Picture: When entering Additional Images in Edit Picture, the file name is now automatically suggested with the suffix “_id”.
    • The field separator for the csv export can now be selected: “Tab” or “;” or “,” or “|” or “Space”.
  • ObjectMarker:
    • JPEG quality: JPEG quality can be set in CCD_Guide -> Global Settings -> Image compression.
    • Option for DPI output: In the Output tab of the ObjectMarker Options, you can set how the DPI output should take place.
    • Button “Edit catalogs”: In the ObjectMarker there is a new button “Edit catalogs” to the right of the View button to call CatEdit directly.
    • Comets and planets: Objects without position data (comets and planets) can be activated or deactivated via a central checkbox.
  • ObjectViewer:
    • Show cursor information in status bar: With this new option, which is activated by default, the cursor texts are moved from the cursor screen to the status bar.
    • Object Link: New object link function similar to the function in the Browser
  • ObjectSky:
    • Galaxy Space View: Galaxies in space can be analyzed as soon as Telescope frame is activated in ObjectSky.
    • Adopt catalog colors from ObjectMarker: Objects can optionally be drawn with the catalog colors from ObjectMarker.
  • CatEdit:
    • Search Small Bodies: All comets and asteroids from a specific field can be retrieved from JPL at a specific time and stored in a catalog.

  • 472 new images
  • 3 new astrophotographers: BTB-Astroteam Brentenriegel, Edith Mader and Robert Reitsam
  • CCD-Guide software 4.2: You can find a list of the new software features below.
  • CCD-Guide Browser:
    • Easy switching between previously set filter states using the keyboard keys “Page up” / “Page down”.
  • CCD-Guide Expert:
    • New Action button (>>>) in the Edit Object tab: The Planetarium,, ObjectTracker and “Export to Planner” functions are available.
    • New Action button (>>>) in the Edit Picture tab: The Planetarium,, ObjectTracker and ObjectMarker functions are available.
    • Edit State function in the Edit Setup tab: The default planner states can be edited or extended. This allows you, for example, to assign priorities to your planning datasets by creating a new state 7 = Prio1 and a new state 8 = Prio2.
    • Multiple selection for the state field in the Set Filter window: This function is very useful if you use the new Edit State function, assign different planning priorities (Prio1, Prio2, …) and want to filter all planning data sets with Prio1 and Prio2.
    • SIMBAD coordinate input in Edit Object: Comfortable input of RA / DE coordinates from the clipboard (SIMBAD format).
    • Constellation in Edit Object: The constellation can be calculated from the coordinates with the new button “Set Const”.
    • New filter “FOV image exists” in the Set Filter window of the Planner: This allows you to keep track of the planning data sets for which a FOV image exists and where the FOV image is still missing.
  • ObjectViewer:
    • New gamma value function: For each opened image the gamma value can be changed temporarily.
  • ObjectMarker:
    • Advanced file selection: In the file selection dialog, there is now a choice between the “Explorer” and “Catalog” options:
      • Explorer: when clicking on the File button, the previously familiar selection of an image in the file system to be labelled appears.
      • Catalog: If the Catalog option is set, then a new window appears for searching for images related to a specific object.
    • Galaxies as ellipses: Galaxies are drawn as ellipses in the labelled image.
    • Distant planets: The distant planets (Uranus and Neptune) and Pluto are also labelled in the ObjectMarker and displayed in ObjectSky if the corresponding option is set in the ObjectMarker.
  • ObjectSky:
    • Comet tail direction: The comet tail now always points in the direction of the ion tail.
    • Telescope function: With the menu function “Telescope” the image field of a telescope+camera combination can be displayed. Also a rotation of the field is possible. Optionally, an astrometric image can also be displayed in the image field.
    • Galaxies as ellipses: As in ObjectMarker, galaxies are displayed as ellipses in ObjectSky.
  • New Utility CatEdit:
    • With the new utility CatEdit you can maintain and edit your own ObjectTools catalogs (cat files that were previously stored in the cat folder). When CatEdit is opened, all existing cat catalogs in the cat folder are automatically integrated into the new cat.mdb. The original cat files are moved to the tray directory. New catalogs and new objects can be created comfortably.
    • A highlight is the automatic download via the functions “Search objects types” and “Search LEDA PGC”. These new functions replace the previous CCD-Guide Browser function ObjectTypes[Vizier].

  • 363 new images
  • 3 new astrophotographers: Kai-Oliver Detken, Christoph Flixeder and Reintraud Weissenegger
  • CCD-Guide software 4.1: You can find a list of the new software features below.
  • New folder structure: The new folder structure is simple and makes it easier to switch to a new release. The most important changes are:
    • All user data are now located in the userdata folder: besides the CCD-Guide Expert data (user.mdb with planner_images and user_images), the ObjectTracker data (Locations.csv with horizon files) are now also located here. Furthermore, all cat catalogs created by the user can also be found in the userdata folder. The big advantage for the user is that he only has to copy the userdata folder when switching to a new release.
    • All exe files are now located in the root directory.
    • There is a new output folder: All temporary results are written to the output folder. For example, you can find here images solved and labeled by ObjectMarker, the results of BatchSolver or the images compressed with JPEGCompress. The content of the output folder can be deleted at any time, because it contains only temporary results.
  • CCD Guide:
    • Central color scheme switching: With one mouse click the color scheme for all applications can be switched between light and dark.
  • CCD-Guide Browser:
    • Two new connected planetariums:
      • ObjectSky (see below for details)
      • Stellarium
  • ObjectSky: The newly developed planetarium ObjectSky is an integral part of CCD-Guide and replaces the old Virtual Planetarium of the ObjectTracker. ObjectSky can be started in different ways: either in the ObjectTracker by pressing the Planetarium button or by a click in the Browser or in the Expert. A direct start of ObjectSky.exe in the root directory is also possible. ObjectSky works interactively with ObjectTracker and offers a number of interesting features, such as:
    • Display of all CCD-Guide objects in the planetarium
    • Access to all CCD-Guide images including image data in the planetarium
    • Access to all current comets
  • CCD-Guide Expert:
    • QuickFilter extension: QuickFilter in Planner, Edit Object and Edit Picture with the operators | and &
    • ObjectViewer as ImageViewer: In the Expert, a double click on an image now opens the ObjectViewer by default instead of IrfanView
    • Error protection during data entry: A red text “Data not saved” appears as soon as a data set is edited. This reminds the user not to forget to press the Save button to complete the saving of the dataset.
    • Marking of Planner datasets with Ref-Image.
  • ObjectTracker:
    • New, improved Locations Editor
    • Planets and comets available in ObjectTracker
    • Report in Browse window: with one mouse click a report in csv or txt format can be created, in which the observation data of all selected objects are tabulated.
  • ObjectMarker:
    • Profiles in ObjectMarker: Profiles can be saved and loaded. For example, you can save all settings for wide field images and create another profile with all settings for long focal length.
    • Improved color selection in ObjectMarker
  • ObjectViewer:
    • Multiple images: can be opened in parallel in ObjectViewer.
    • Distance measurement: Using the right mouse button, distances between two positions can be measured comfortably with the “Measure distance” option.

  • 374 new images
  • 2 new astrophotographers: Hartmut Bornemann and Bernhard Zimmermann.
  • PN catalogue: has been significantly expanded and coordinates have been corrected.
  • CCD-Guide software 4.0: You can find a list of the new software features below.
  • New software structure: The new CCD_Guide.exe is the central entry point to the CCD-Guide software platform. All programs can be started directly here. The CCD-Guide window can always be kept in the foreground with “Stay on top” and with “Autostart” automatic starting is possible when the computer is booted. In addition, the new software can be used to call up minor updates during the year if required. The two most important programs of the CCD_Guide.exe are:
    • Browser (CCD_Guide_Browser.exe): Complete new development of the entire browser functionality with many improved and new functions.
    • Expert (CCD_Guide_Expert.exe): contains the classic CCD-Guide functions Planner, Edit Object and Edit Picture.
  • CCD-Guide Browser:
    • Download function of all images: This allows all images contained in the master database (optionally also all archive images) to be downloaded from the CCD-Guide server.
    • Dynamic window size: The size of the table and the images changes automatically when the window size is changed.
    • Performance increase in general and especially when switching between ImageBrowser and ObjectBrowser as well as when changing the database modes (Master / User / All).
    • Freely selectable ImageViewer: Any image viewing software can be selected in the options. The default ObjectViewer has the great advantage that for images with wcs info, coordinates can be queried with the magnifying glass.
    • New preview panel: Thumbnails of the filtered images can be viewed in a preview panel. This is a useful addition or alternative to the classic slide show.
    • Quick filter for an additional object: In the table “Extended Information” all additional information about the data set is displayed. If one clicks on one of the listed objects, the object name filter is applied to this object.
    • Multiple selection of objects in the object name filter: If several objects are available for selection in the object name filter and the FindObjectData window is therefore displayed, then several objects can also be selected here simultaneously if required.
    • New filter type “Circular Search Radius”: With this filter, all objects can be selected that are located within the radius of a specific object.
    • QuickSearch operator: can be changed from standard OR to AND.
    • News >>> function Aladin Lite as alternative to
    • News >>> function ObjectTypes [Vizier]: This can be used to perform a search on Vizier, looking for objects of a certain object type around the selected reference object.
    • BatchSolve in Browser: This allows all images filtered in the Browser to be passed to BatchSolver.
    • New Web-Mode: In the Browser it is possible to switch between the classic Local Mode (behaviour as before) and the new Web-Mode. In Web-Mode, the area of the two preview images is used to display information about the selected object from web services such as, Aladin, Simbad or NED. This is a very useful feature, especially in the ObjectBrowser.
  • CCD-Guide Expert:
    • Parallel working with CCD-Guide Browser and CCD-Guide Expert is supported.
  • ObjectMarker:
    • The wcs information is written into the image (jpg, tif or png) without touching the image information.
    • ObjectMarker now also supports the possibility of a blind solve (no coordinate input required).
    • ObjectMarker overlay as vector graphic: Optionally, the entire overlay of the ObjectMarker label can additionally be saved as a vector graphic in the formats svg, png or tif.
    • ObjectMarker can now also solve inverted images.
  • ObjectTracker:
    • Tooltip on red triangles: In the ObjectTracker graphic, a helpful tooltip info is now displayed at the red triangles. This allows you to see the reason why a visibility window is restricted.
    • Geoland-Horizont: for every location at austria it is possible to get a precise image of the horizon and put it to the ObjectTracker.
  • Utilities der ObjectTools:
    • WCSList is a new application that can be used to search complete directories for images and to display the status of WCS info in tabular form. In WCSList, wcs-info of selected images can also be deleted.
    • ObjectMarker, ObjectViewer, BatchSolver, WCSList and WCSCopy now uniformly support the formats jpg, tif and png.
    • JPEGCompress is a new application that can compress a large number of jpg images very effectively and with very high quality.

  • 290 new images
  • CCD-Guide software 3.6: You can find a list of the new software features below.
  • ObjectTracker extensions: the proven ObjectTracker (= tool to answer the question of when an object at a selected location can best be photographed on a certain night) has been significantly improved in terms of performance and calculation accuracy and has been extended by the following points:
    • With one mouse click, a weather forecast from OpenWeather for the coming night can be called up and displayed in the central graphic.
    • AladinLite can be started with one mouse click, whereby the current object is displayed centered with the FOV of the current location.
    • The handling of the ObjectTracker has been simplified considerably by omitting the Set button: All output elements are immediately updated whenever the user changes an input.
    • A fully integrated virtual planetarium in the ObjectTracker supports the planning of observations.
    • With the new Export time series function, the visibility of an object over long periods of time can be assessed both in tabular and graphical form.
  • ObjectMarker extensions: The proven ObjectMarker (= tool for plate solving of images and subsequent labeling with the objects of the CCD-Guide database) has been extended by the following points:
    • A preview image is displayed.
    • The options for the appearance of the catalogues are now accessible in the main window.
    • The ObjectMarker window is dynamic, so that the window size and the division of the areas can be adjusted as desired.
    • If the software All Sky Plate Solver by Giovanni Benintende is installed, a local PlateSolving instead of a PlateSolve via is possible.
    • When the View button is pressed a text file in cat format is created, which lists all objects, drawn in the annotated image.
    • In the ObjectViewer the image can also be inverted.
  • New filters in CCD-Guide: Set Filter offers now also the possibility to filter by focal length. In addition to the ObjectName-Filter and the QuickFilter the new ObjectMaster-Filter was developed, with which it is possible to filter those images in which the searched object appears exclusively as main object.
  • Enlarged ExpTime field: The ExpTime field in Edit Picture has been considerably enlarged so that there are no longer any restrictions when documenting complex exposure series.
  • 4 bugs fixed

Downloads for Version CCD-Guide 2021:

  • Archived Images 2021: Due to the limitation of storage space on the DVD, the archive images (older date images, historical images from the beginnings of CCD technology) are no longer delivered on the CCD-Guide DVD. The images archived in release 2021 can be downloaded with two zip files. If the zip files are unpacked after the download in the CCD-Guide directory “images” and the corresponding option is selected in the Options tab, then the archive images are available in the ImageBrowser.

  • 302 new images
  • 1 new astrophotographer: Mario Zauner
  • CCD-Guide software 3.5:You can find a list of the new software features below.
  • ObjectTools: CCD-Guide is delivered with the new and very powerful ObjectTools, which were developed by Hartmut Bornemann. The ObjectTracker already developed in the release CCD-Guide 3.4 has been extended and is part of the ObjectTools. The new ObjectTools functions like ObjectMarker, ObjectViewer, BatchSolver or WCSCopy are described in detail below. All ObjectTools can also be used as stand-alone tools.
  • ObjectMarker: With the ObjectMarker, images can be solved via and then labeled with the objects of the CCD-Guide database as well as with your own texts. Furthermore, the ObjectViewer can be started to view and analyze the labeled image.
  • ObjectViewer: The ObjectViewer can be used to view images labeled with the ObjectMarker, to read out coordinates and to perform an internet search with SIMBAD, NED or VizieR.
  • BatchSolver: With the BatchSolver a simultaneous PlateSolve of a large number of images can be performed.
  • WCSCopy: is a special application for the transfer of the WCS information (World Coordinate System) from a solved image to a not yet solved image with the same dimensions.
  • ObjectTracker extension: The proven ObjectTracker (= tool to answer the question when a certain object at a selected location can best be photographed on a certain night) was extended by the consideration of the distance between moon and object. Furthermore it is now possible to select the date comfortably with the help of a DatePicker. Because of the integration of the ObjectTracker into the ObjectTools, the ObjectTracker catalog was renamed from “” to “” and is now also available in the ObjectMarker.
  • Extended ‚>>>‘ functionality: In CCD-Guide 3.5 the ‚>>>’ button was extended by the ObjectMarker function. This means that the ObjectMarker can be started with one click with the currently active image of the Browser. The selected image is automatically solved in the ObjectMarker and can then be labeled with the objects of the CCD-Guide database. The ObjectMarker is also available in the ,>>>‘-menu of the Planner to label FOV images.
  • Export OT in Planner: The filtered object list of the Planner can be exported to the ObjectTools catalog file This means that not only a single object but a list of objects of any length can be transferred from CCD-Guide to ObjectTracker. This is very useful if you want to select the best object to photograph from a large number of possible objects.
  • Export OT in Edit Object: With the “Export OT” button in Edit Object all UNLISTED objects created by the user can be exported to the ObjectTools catalog
  • 1 Bug fixed

Downloads for Version CCD-Guide 2020

  • Archived images 2020: Due to the limitation of storage space on the DVD, the archive images (older date images, historical images from the beginnings of CCD technology) are no longer delivered on the CCD-Guide DVD. The images archived in release 2020 can be downloaded (911 MB) If the zip file is unpacked after the download in the CCD-Guide directory “images” and the corresponding option is selected in the Options tab, then the archive images are available in the ImageBrowser.

  • 383 new images
  • CCD-Guide software 3.4:You can find a list of the new software features below.
  • ObjectTracker: CCD-Guide is delivered with the new and very powerful planning tool ObjectTracker, which was developed by Hartmut Bornemann. ObjectTracker can also be used as a stand-alone tool. It quickly and easily answers the question of whether a particular object can be photographed at a selected location on a particular night. The ideal time window for taking photographs is calculated taking into account twilight, moon, object altitude and optional horizon. The altitude progression of the object and of the moon is displayed in an intuitive graphic.
  • Extended ‚>>‘ functionality: In CCD-Guide 3.4 the ‚>>‘-button was extended by the ObjectTracker function. This means that ObjectTracker can be started with one click with the currently active object of the browser or of the planner.
  • Export OT: The filtered object list of the Planner can be exported to the ObjectTracker catalog file This means that not only a single object but a list of objects of any length can be transferred from CCD-Guide to ObjectTracker. This is very useful if you want to select the best object to photograph from a large number of possible objects.

  • 380 new images
  • 2 new astrophotographers: Rolf Geissinger and Jens Zippel.
  • CCD-Guide software 3.3:You can find a list of the new software features below.
  • Simplified folder structure: The new folder structure is based on a clear separation between master data (= all data and all images which are delivered with CCD-Guide) and user data (= all inputs and all images of the user). This separation simplifies the process of creating a backup of your own data, makes an update to future releases of CCD-Guide easier, and offers a convenient possibility to switch between different user databases.
  • Extended‚>>>‘ functionality: CCD-Guide 3.3 offers the possibility to use the ‚>>>‘ functions (Planetarium, and Export to Planner) also in cases when you have set an Objectname filter, but no datasets were found.
  • 1 bug fixed

  • 542 new images
  • 3 new astrophotographers: Michael Deger, Gabriele Gegenbauer and Justin Kabaus.
  • CCD-Guide software 3.2:No modifications of the software. The current release 3.2 runs very stable.

  • 383 new images
  • 2 new astrophotographers: Fabian Neyer and Wolfgang Promper
  • CCD-Guide software 3.2: No modifications of the software. The current release 3.2 runs very stable.
  • ListView for Browser improved: The procedure to change the appearance of the main data table in the tab Browser was significantly improved. It is now very easy to make columns visible or invisible, to change the order and the width of columns and to save all settings.
  • ListView in tabs Planner, EditObject and EditPicture: The new ListView features for configuring the layout of the main data table are now also available in the Planner tab, in the EditObject tab and in the EditPicture tab.
  • QuickFilter: Previous releases of CCD-Guide offered two possibilities to filter a main data table: the ObjectnameFilter and the SetFilter. Additional to these two filter types a new type is now introduced, the so called QuickFilter. When you enter a search string into the edit field of the QuickFilter, then only those data rows are shown which contain this search string in one of the data fields. This is a very fast and efficient way to reduce the number of data rows in a main data table. QuickFilter is available in the tabs Browser, Planner, EditObject and EditPicture.
  • Improved Performance of ObjectBrowsers: Switching between ImageBrowser and ObjectBrowser is now much faster than in the previous release.
  • Improved performance of SlideShow in Planner
  • Export CSV: The main data tables of the tabs Planner, EditObject and EditPicture can be exported into a csv-file.
  • Simplified button structure in Browser and Planner
  • New default name for REF images in Planner
  • 3 bugs fixed

  • 790 new images
  • 8 new astrophotographers: Daniel Verschatse, Johannes Schedler, Martin Rusterholz, Thomas Henne, Wolfgang Leitner,Tommy Nawratil, David Gloistein and Walter Primik
  • 2 new catalogues: SANDQVIST (Sandqvist + Sandqvist-Lindroos) and DCLD (Catalogue of Southern Dark Clouds)
  • CG catalogue completed
  • CCD-Guide software 3.1: You can find a list of the new software features below.
  • Night-Vision-Mode: The Help tab and the About tab were improved to give better results when using a software which enables a night vision mode (e.g. software The Sky).
  • Sorting of tables: Improved sorting of tables according to object name
  • Edit Picture: Edit Picture is easier to use because of removing the extension jpg in picture name.
  • Working with an external hard disk: Working with CCD-Guide on two different computers using the same external hard disk is now easier, because the paths are automatically set.
  • Working with USB-Stick: All features of CCD-Guide including Planner and Edit Picture are now available when working on an USB stick.
  • 13 bugs fixed

  • 287 new images
  • 1 new astrophotographer: Robert Pölzl
  • 2 new catalogues: Gum and RCW
  • CCD-Guide software 3.0: is a major software release with many new features. See following points.
  • Set Filter in all tabs: Advanced filter options are now available in all tabs. This was possible by moving the old Set Filter tab into a new window, which can be called in all tabs of CCD-Guide.
  • ObjectBrowser: The ImageBrowser tab was renamed to Browser tab. The Browser tab contains now two different modes: the ImageBrowser mode and the ObjectBrowser mode. The ImageBrowser feature was already available in Release 2.0, but the ObjectBrowser mode is completely new. The ObjectBrowser opens the possibility to browse through the object data of all objects of the CCD-Guide database including the usage of the advanced filter options of the Set Filter window.
  • Planner: The Planner tab was completely reworked and is now much easier to use. The creation of setups was moved to Edit Setup tab. The free space in Planner tab was used to show a bigger preview image of the planner image. The data grid of the Planner tab can show all planner data rows of all of your setups in one table and you can filter your planner data rows with new filter options.
  • New Set Filter features: The Set Filter window has a new type of filter criteria, the so called ‘Planner Criteria’. With these criteria you can easily filter your planner data rows. You can save and reload your filter settings. This is very useful, if you create many complex and powerful filters.
  • New planetarium programs: In Release 2.1 you could open Cartes du Ciel, centred on an object which was selected in the ImageBrowser. Release 3.0 gives you the possibility to choose between the following planetarium programs: Cartes du Ciel, Guide 8, Guide 9, The Sky6 Pro and The SkyX Pro. he planetarium button is now not only available in the ImageBrowser but also in the ObjectBrowser and in the Planner.
  • Link to When you are connected to the internet then you can use the new button, which opens, centred on the selected object in ImageBrowser, ObjectBrowser or Planner. This option is part of ImageBrower, ObjectBrowser and Planner.
  • FOV Image in Planner: When you are connected to the internet then you can use the new FOV Image button to download an image from with the right image field of your selected setup.
  • Export to Planner: The active object in ImageBrowser or in ObjectBrowser can be easily exported to the Planner.
  • Order of tabs: The order of tabs was changed, so that the most important tabs come first. The new tab sequence is: 1. Browser (ImageBrowser + ObjectBrowser); 2. Planner; 3. Edit Setup; 4. Edit Object; 5. Edit Picture; 6. Options.
  • Find Object: Find Object is now easier to use. It is not necessary to enter a blank character between the catalogue name and the catalogue number. (e.g: ‘ngc 1’ and ‘ngc1’ are allowed).
  • Sorting in data grids: By clicking on the head of data columns you can sort the data grid. This feature is now available in all tabs.
  • Import new comets: When you are connected to the internet, then you can import new comets into your object database from
  • Filter status is indicated: When a filter is active on a data grid, then the active filter is indicated by bold characters of the Set Filter button. When a Find Object filter is active, then this active filter is indicated by bold characters of the Find Object button.
  • 12 bugs fixed

  • 422 new images
  • 6 new astrophotographers: Gerald Rhemann, Sebastian Voltmer, Patrick Hochleitner, Dieter Beer, Wolfgang Hitzl und Peter Großpointner
  • CCD-Guide software 2.1: You can find a list of the new software features below.
  • New ListView in Imagebrowser: Using the new ListView mode ‘User’ you can define which data columns are visible.
  • Save ListView in Imagebrowser: The order of the data columns and the width of the data columns can be modified and saved.
  • Planner Comment Editor: You can use an editor to modify your planner comments. Planner comments up to a size of 5000 characters are possible.
  • Planner images: Planner images can be replaced and deleted.
  • New object type Milky Way
  • 11 bugs fixed