ou can order the new CCD-Guide 2023 as download in our Shop for the price of 29 €. An update is available for the reduced price of 19 €. Alternatively, we also offer a delivery as USB stick. . More details in our Shop.
Why should you order this update?
CCD-Guide 2023 comes up with a huge extension of the image database with 363 new images. Since our CCD-Guide astrophotographers capture often rarely photographed objects, the CCD-Guide database now contains high-quality reference images of more than 1,300 objects, such as the following image of Ced 51 by Thomas Henne:

The newly developed planetarium ObjectSky works interactively with ObjectTracker and offers a number of interesting features, such as:
- Display of all CCD-Guide objects in the planetarium
- Access to all CCD-Guide images including image data in the planetarium
- Access to all current comets

Besides the new ObjectSky, there are many other exciting software enhancements like the connection to the popular planetarium Stellarium, or a planet and comet query in ObjectTracker. You can get a good overview of the new features by taking a look at our Release info page. The CCD-Guide Team and the Astronomischer Arbeitskreis Salzkammergut wish you a lot of fun with the new CCD-Guide!